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​West Virginia Code 7-4-6 delineates the fundamentals of our mission: 
  • Provide Special Prosecutors where Elected Prosecutors of West Virginia are unable to serve
  • Provide training, service, support and resources to the prosecutors and staff to enhance and improve the quality of all prosecution throughout the State
  • To educate law enforcement regarding the ever changing face of the law
  • To expand the public’s knowledge of the criminal justice system


Executive Director
Jim E. Samples
Assistant Director
VAWA Resource Prosecutor    
Sherry S. Eling  Sherry.S.Eling@wv.gov
Forensic Medical Fund Coordinator
ChildFirst WV Coordinator
Amy R. Leslie  Amy.R.Leslie@wv.gov
Information Systems Coordinator II
Luke C. McVay  Luke.C.McVay@wv.gov

1124 Smith Street, Suite 4500
Charleston, WV 25301
Telephone: (304)558-3348
Fax: (304)558-6008